ACFS Perth calls on President Obama to release the Cuban Five!
written by ACFS Perth
at Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, ACFS calls on President Obama to release the five Cuban anti-terrorists held in US prisons since 1998.
Around 30 members of the ACFS and their friends and supporters rallied for the freedom of the Cuban Five in Fremantle, Western Australia.
An enthusiastic group of speakers told the crowd and passerby about the plight of the five men detained in Miami for fighting against terrorism organised, financed and carried out from US soil. The Cuban Five as they are known internationally were sentenced to inhumane and ridiculous sentences from 15 to double life imprisonment plus 15 years.
what was the crime committed by these men? NONE! There was never crime committed by the Cuban Five whose only task was to monitor the activities of the Miami mafia whose long list of terrorist activities against Cuba has cost the lives of more than 3000 people.
Cuba's right to self determination has been undermined by the actions of these terrorist groups who are tolerated on US soil. These terrorist acts included the bombing midair of Cubana 455 Flight that killed 73 people in 1976.
In 1997 a wave of bombings that targeted tourist installations including hotels rained down on Cuba. One of the actions resulted in Italian tourist Fabio De Celmo beign killed at the Copacabana Hotel in Havana.
To defend against these attacks and defend the lives of Cubans and visitors to Cuba sent these brave volunteers to gather the information needed to prevent further killings and bombings against their homeland.
They never sought or gathered information that would endanger US national security or hurt anyone nor did they carry any weapons. Their task was solenly to prevent terrorist activities.
The time has come for President Obama to exercise his power and release these five Cuban heroes who have had even their basic rights to see their families denied in breach of international conventions. ACFS Perth joins the millions of people in demanding their immidiate release. Watch on YouTube:
As part of our campaign for the freedom of the Cuban Five, ACFS will exhibit the political cartoons by Gerardo Hernandez from 1-7 October at the KURB Gallery, 312 "A" William Street, Northbridge, Western Australia. Visit our blogsite