UN General Assembly says enough is enough  

ACFS Perth Statement

United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba, October 2009

The Australia Cuba Friendship Society Perth Branch applaud the 187 principled countries for the stand they have taken to condemn the United States blockade of Cuba in the United Nations General Assembly for the 18th consecutive year.

The vote in favor of the resolution to condemn the blockade was higher than ever, with 187 votes in favor of the condemnation, 3 votes against (the United States, Israel and the tiny Pacific island of Palau), and two abstentions (The Marshall Islands and Micronesia, also tiny Pacific states which, like Palau, are highly dependent on U.S. aid).

Every year of voting sees increasing condemnation of this inhumane blockade. The brutality of the blockade is so blatant that every single one of the United States NATO allies voted to condemn the U.S. policy.

We applaud also the spirit of the Cuban people who continue to move forward with great humility and dignity sharing freely with others in need what they have been able to achieve despite the blockade.

This US blockade, classified, as genocide by Section C of Article II of the Geneva Convention of 1948 must end. President Obama must exercise his presidential prerogative to cease this murderous policy.

We demand

That the new Obama administration accepts the UN Resolution 63/7 and end the US blockade against Cuba immediately as this is political barbarism. The recent measures taken by the Obama administration don’t go far enough and do not represent a serious attempt to remedy the policies regarding Cuba of the last 10 US administrations.

That the Obama administration immediately closes the Guantanamo Naval base and returns full sovereignty over the land to the Cuban people.

That the US administration grants visas to the wives of Gerardo and Rene, Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez.

That the Obama administration releases the Cuban Five heroes because the charges brought against them and their imprisonment is politically motivated.

Perth, Western Australia, 31st October 2009.

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