The Australia-Cuba Friendship Society
invites you to a public talk with
Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister
His Excellency Bruno Rodriguez-Parrilla
Speaking on:
Cuba Today &
Australia-Cuba relations
Minister Bruno Rodriguez-Parilla has a degree in law and worked as a professor of International Public Law at the University of Havana. From February 1995 - December 2003 he served as the permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations. From 2003 - 2004 he was Deputy Foreign Minister in charge of Latin America and the Carribbean and for information and communication. In 2004, he was appointed First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. He led the humanitarian medical missions to Haiti in 2004 and to Pakistan in 2005-2006.
6:30pm, Monday 7 June
Social Sciences Lecture Theatre, UWA
(entrance: carpark No 4 off Hackett Drive)
For more information:
ACFS on 0419 812 872 or 0421 113 343
Email: or